
Of organic compound.

Natural bases containing nitrogen found in plants.

This concept's ID is @1~74302

Plant Toxin

  • nicotine 0 facts

    An alkaloid poison that occurs in tobacco; used in medicine and as an insecticide.

  • strychnine 0 facts

    An alkaloid plant toxin extracted chiefly from nux vomica; formerly used as a stimul...

  • brucine 0 facts

    A bitter alkaloid poison resembling strychnine and extracted from nux vomica.

  • tubocurarine 0 facts

    A toxic alkaloid found in certain tropical South American trees that is a powerful...


  • atropine 1 facts

    A poisonous crystalline alkaloid extracted from the nightshade family; used as an antispasmodic...

  • hyoscyamine 0 facts

    A poisonous crystalline alkaloid (isometric with atropine but more potent); used to...

Also contains

  • cinchonine 0 facts

    An alkaloid derivative of the bark of cinchona trees that is used as an antimalarial...

  • pilocarpine 0 facts

    Cholinergic alkaloid used in eyedrops to treat glaucoma.

  • ergonovine 0 facts

    An alkaloid derived from ergot (trade name Ergotrate Maleate) that is less toxic than...

  • ephedrine 0 facts

    White odorless powdered or crystalline alkaloid from plants of the genus Ephedra (especially...

  • physostigmine 0 facts

    Used in treatment of Alzheimer's disease and glaucoma.

  • pseudoephedrine 0 facts

    Poisonous crystalline alkaloid occurring with ephedrine and isomorphic with it.

  • ergotamine 0 facts

    An alkaloid derived from ergot that is less toxic than ergot; causes constriction of...

  • caffeine 0 facts

    A bitter alkaloid found in coffee and tea that is responsible for their stimulating ef...

  • rauwolfia 0 facts

    Any of several alkaloids extracted from the shrub Rauwolfia serpentina.

  • scopolamine 0 facts

    An alkaloid with anticholinergic effects that is used as a sedative and to treat nausea...

  • betaine 0 facts

    A sweet tasting alkaloid that occurs in sugar beets.