
Of mineral.

A hard glossy mineral consisting of silicon dioxide in crystal form; present in most rocks (especially sandstone and granite); yellow sand is quartz with iron oxide impurities.

This concept's ID is @1~74193

Transparent Gem

  • chalcedony 7 facts

    A milky or greyish translucent to transparent quartz.

  • sunstone 1 facts

    A translucent quartz spangled with bits of mica or other minerals.

  • amethyst 0 facts

    A transparent purple variety of quartz; used as a gemstone.

  • citrine 0 facts

    Semiprecious yellow quartz resembling topaz.

Also contains

  • silica 3 facts

    A white or colorless vitreous insoluble solid (SiO2); various forms occur widely in the earth's...

  • rock crystal 1 facts

    A clear quartz used in making electronic and optical equipment.

  • silicon 0 facts

    A tetravalent nonmetallic element; next to oxygen it is the most abundant element in the...

  • quartz crystal 0 facts

    A thin plate or small rod of quartz cut along certain lines and ground so that it...

  • cairngorm 0 facts

    A smoky yellow or brown quartz.

  • topaz 0 facts

    A yellow quartz.

  • rose quartz 0 facts

    A translucent rose-red variety of quartz used for ornaments.