
Of material and rock.

Solid homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition.

This concept's ID is @1~74026


  • corundom 3 facts

    Very hard mineral used as an abrasive.

  • emery 3 facts

    A hard grey-black mineral consisting of corundum and either hematite or magnetite; used as...

Amphibole Group

  • amphibole group 7 facts

    A group of minerals with similar crystal structures containing a silicate chain...

  • amphibole 5 facts

    A mineral or mineral variety belonging to the amphibole group.


  • bauxite 3 facts

    A clay-like mineral; the chief ore of aluminum; composed of aluminum oxides and aluminum...

  • gibbsite 1 facts

    White crystalline mineral consisting of aluminum hydroxide; a constituent of bauxite and...

Also contains

  • gadolinite 8 facts

    A mineral that is a source of rare earths; consists of silicates of iron and beryllium...

  • garnet 6 facts

    Any of a group of hard glassy minerals (silicates of various metals) used as gemstones and...

  • apatite 4 facts

    A common complex mineral consisting of calcium fluoride phosphate or calcium chloride phosphate;...

  • bastnasite 4 facts

    A yellow-to-brown mineral that is a source of rare earth elements.

  • beryl 4 facts

    The chief source of beryllium; colored transparent varieties are valued as gems.

  • carnallite 3 facts

    A white or reddish mineral consisting of hydrous chlorides of potassium and magnesium;...

  • earth color 3 facts

    A colored mineral used as a pigment.

  • fergusonite 3 facts

    A dark mineral consisting of oxides of yttrium and erbium and tantalum and other mi...

  • chrysoberyl 2 facts

    A rare hard yellow green mineral consisting of beryllium aluminate in crystal form;...

  • fluorite 2 facts

    A soft mineral (calcium fluoride) that is fluorescent in ultraviolet light; chief source...

  • borax 1 facts

    An ore of boron consisting of hydrated sodium borate; used as a flux or cleansing agent.

  • bornite 1 facts

    A mineral consisting of sulfides of copper and iron that is found in copper deposits.

  • celestite 1 facts

    A mineral consisting of strontium sulphate.

  • cassiterite 1 facts

    A hard heavy dark mineral that is the chief source of tin.

  • chalcocite 1 facts

    A heavy grey mineral that is an ore of copper.

  • cerussite 1 facts

    A mineral consisting of lead carbonate that is an important source of lead.

  • chalcopyrite 1 facts

    A yellow copper ore (CuFeS2) made up of copper and iron sulfide.

  • chromite 1 facts

    A brownish-black mineral; the major source of chromium.

  • cinnabar 1 facts

    A heavy reddish mineral consisting of mercuric sulfide; the chief source of mercury.

  • halite 1 facts

    Naturally occurring crystalline sodium chloride.

  • cobaltite 1 facts

    A rare silvery-white mineral; important ore of cobalt.

  • cordierite 1 facts

    A blue mineral of magnesium and iron and aluminum and silicon and oxygen; often used...

  • cristobalite 1 facts

    A white mineral consisting of silica; found in volcanic rocks.

  • cuprite 1 facts

    A mineral consisting of cuprous oxide that is a source of copper.

  • cryolite 1 facts

    A white mineral consisting of fluorides of aluminum and sodium; a source of fluorine.

  • dolomite 1 facts

    A light colored mineral consisting of calcium magnesium carbonate; a source of magnesium;...

  • galena 1 facts

    Soft blue-grey mineral; lead sulfide; a major source of lead.

  • garnierite 1 facts

    A green mineral consisting of hydrated nickel magnesium silicate; a source of nickel.

  • germanite 1 facts

    A rare reddish-grey mineral consisting of a copper iron germanium sulfide.

  • amblygonite 1 facts

    A white or grey mineral consisting of lithium aluminum phosphate; a source of lithi...

  • argentite 1 facts

    A valuable silver ore consisting of silver sulfide (Ag2S).

  • arsenopyrite 1 facts

    A silver-white or grey ore of arsenic.

  • argyrodite 1 facts

    A rare steel-grey mineral consisting of silver and germanium and sulfur.

  • baddeleyite 1 facts

    A mineral consisting of zirconium oxide.

  • chlorite 0 facts

    A generally green or black mineral; it occurs as a constituent of many rocks typically...

  • columbite-tantalite 0 facts

    A valuable black mineral combining niobite and tantalite; used in cell phones...

  • crocolite 0 facts

    A rare lead chromite mineral that forms bright orange crystals.

  • erythrite 0 facts

    A reddish mineral consisting of hydrated cobalt arsenate in monoclinic crystalline form...

  • glauconite 0 facts

    A green mineral consisting of hydrated silicate of potassium or iron or magnesium or...

  • greenockite 0 facts

    Ore of cadmium; a rare yellowish mineral consisting of cadmium sulphide in crystalline...

  • ader wax 0 facts

    A waxy mineral that is a mixture of hydrocarbons and occurs in association with petroleum;...

  • aragonite 0 facts

    A mineral form of crystalline calcium carbonate; dimorphic with calcite.

  • augite 0 facts

    Dark-green to black glassy mineral of the pyroxene group containing large amounts of aluminum...

  • asphalt 0 facts

    A dark bituminous substance found in natural beds and as residue from petroleum distillation;...

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.