Visual Impairment

Of impairment.   May also be referred to as vision defect, visual defect and visual disorder.

Impairment of the sense of sight.

This concept's ID is @1~73471


  • scotoma 5 facts

    An isolated area of diminished vision within the visual field.

  • blindness 5 facts

    The state of being blind or lacking sight.

  • ametropia 3 facts

    (ophthalmology) faulty refraction of light rays in the eye as in astigmatism or myopi...

  • color blindness 2 facts

    Genetic inability to distinguish differences in hue.

  • xanthopsia 0 facts

    Visual defect in which objects appear to have a yellowish hue; sometimes occurs in cases...

  • hemianopia 0 facts

    Blindness in one half of the visual field of one or both eyes.

  • hemeralopia 0 facts

    Inability to see clearly in bright light.

  • metamorphopsia 0 facts

    A defect of vision in which objects appear to be distorted; usually due to a defect...

  • quadrantanopia 0 facts

    Blindness in one fourth of the visual field.

  • photoretinitis 0 facts

    Damage to the retina resulting from exposure of the eye to the sun without adequate...

  • moon blindness 0 facts

    Inability to see clearly in dim light; due to a deficiency of vitamin A or to a retinal...

  • retinal detachment 0 facts

    Visual impairment resulting from the retina becoming separated from the choroid...

  • amaurosis 0 facts

    Partial or total loss of sight without pathology of the eye; caused by disease of optic...

  • tunnel vision 0 facts

    Visual impairment involving a loss of peripheral vision.

  • amblyopia 0 facts

    Visual impairment without apparent organic pathology.

  • aniseikonia 0 facts

    Visual defect in which the shape and size of an ocular image differ in the two eyes.

  • aphakia 0 facts

    Absence of the natural lens of the eye (usually resulting from the removal of cataracts...

  • anorthopia 0 facts

    Distorted vision in which straight lines appear curved.

  • diplopia 0 facts

    Visual impairment in which an object is seen as two objects; "diplopia often disappears...