
Of affliction.   May also be referred to as malformation and misshapenness.

An affliction in which some part of the body is misshapen or malformed.

This concept's ID is @1~71583

Birth Defect

  • plagiocephaly 0 facts

    Congenital malformation of the skull in which the main axis of the skull is obliq...

  • scaphocephaly 0 facts

    Congenital malformation of the skull which is long and narrow; frequently accompanied...

Also contains

  • clubfoot 3 facts

    Congenital deformity of the foot usually marked by a curled shape or twisted position of...

  • clawfoot 0 facts

    A deformity of the foot characterized by an abnormally high arch and hyperextension of...

  • Arnold-Chiari deformity 0 facts

    Deformity in which part of the brain protrudes through the skull.

  • cleft foot 0 facts

    A deformity in which the space between the third and fourth toes extends up into the...

  • pigeon breast 0 facts

    Abnormal protrusion of the breastbone caused by rickets.

  • valgus 0 facts

    A deformity in which there is an abnormal displacement of part of a limb away from the midline...

  • varus 0 facts

    A deformity in which part of a limb is turned inward to an abnormal degree.