
Of protozoan and Sporozoa.

Parasitic spore-forming protozoan.

This concept's ID is @1~7150


  • leucocytozoan 0 facts

    Parasitic in birds.

  • piroplasm 0 facts

    Minute parasite of red blood cells of mammals transmitted by a tick and causing diseases...

  • sarcosporidian 0 facts

    Parasite of the muscles of vertebrates.

  • haplosporidian 0 facts

    Parasite in invertebrates and lower vertebrates of no known economic importance.

  • actinomyxidian 0 facts

    Parasites of worms.

  • microsporidian 0 facts

    Parasite of arthropods and fishes that invade and destroy host cells.

  • myxosporidian 0 facts

    Mostly parasitic in fishes and including various serious pathogens.

  • sporozoite 0 facts

    One of the minute active bodies into which sporozoans divide in one stage of their life...

  • trophozoite 0 facts

    A sporozoan in the active feeding stage of its life cycle.

  • merozoite 0 facts

    A cell that arises from the asexual division of a parent sporozoan during its life cy...

  • coccidium 0 facts

    Parasitic on the digestive epithelium of vertebrates and higher invertebrates.

  • gregarine 0 facts

    Vermiform protozoans parasitic in insects and other invertebrates.

  • haemosporidian 0 facts

    Minute protozoans parasitic at some stage of the life cycle in blood cells of vertebrates...

  • plasmodium 0 facts

    Parasitic protozoan of the genus Plasmodium that causes malaria in humans.

  • haemoproteid 0 facts

    Related to malaria parasite and having a phase in the viscera of various birds.