Protoctist Family

Of family and Protoctista.

Any of the families of Protoctista.

This concept's ID is @1~6964





  • Volvocaceae 1 facts

    Unicellular or colonial biflagellate free-swimming flagellates.

  • Chlamydomonadaceae 1 facts

    Green algae some of which are colored red by hematochrome.

Also contains

  • Fucaceae 5 facts

    Small family of brown algae: gulfweeds; rockweeds.

  • Zygnemataceae 3 facts

    Pond scums: common freshwater algae forming green slimy masses.

  • Characeae 3 facts

    Green algae superficially resembling horsetail ferns: stoneworts.

  • Peridiniidae 2 facts

    Marine and freshwater dinoflagellates.

  • Laminariaceae 1 facts

    Large family of marine brown algae including many economically important large kelps...

  • Arcellidae 1 facts

    Soil and freshwater protozoa; cosmopolitan in distribution.

  • Euglenaceae 1 facts

    Considered green algae.

  • Ulvaceae 1 facts

    Thin flat or tubular green algae.

  • Eimeriidae 1 facts

    A family of protoctist in the order Coccidia.

  • Oedogoniaceae 1 facts

    Filamentous green algae.

  • Desmidiaceae 1 facts

    Unicellular algae.

  • Tribonemaceae 1 facts

    Simple filamentous freshwater yellow-green algae.