
Of money.   May also be referred to as monetary fund.

A reserve of money set aside for some purpose.

This concept's ID is @1~66900


  • budget 2 facts

    A sum of money allocated for a particular purpose; "the laboratory runs on a budget of a...

  • mutual fund 2 facts

    The pooled money that is invested in assets.

  • deposit 1 facts

    Money deposited in a bank or some similar institution.

  • petty cash 0 facts

    A small fund of cash that a firm keeps for the payment of incidental expenses.

  • trust fund 0 facts

    A fund held in trust.

  • war chest 0 facts

    A fund accumulated to finance a war (or a political campaign).

  • sinking fund 0 facts

    A fund accumulated regularly in a separate account and used to redeem debt securit...

  • revolving fund 0 facts

    A fund which, if borrowed or used, is intended to be replenished so it may be loaned...

  • nest egg 0 facts

    A fund of money put by as a reserve.

  • pension fund 0 facts

    A fund reserved to pay workers' pensions when they retire from service.

  • slush fund 0 facts

    A fund for buying votes or bribing public officials.