
Of levy.   May also be referred to as revenue enhancement and tax.

Charge against a citizen's person or property or activity for the support of government.

This concept's ID is @1~66618

Indirect Tax

  • indirect tax 3 facts

    A tax levied on goods or services rather than on persons or organizations.

  • hidden tax 0 facts

    A tax paid unwittingly by the consumer (such as ad valorem taxes).


  • disposable income 0 facts

    Income (after taxes) that is available to you for saving or spending.

  • unearned income 0 facts

    Personal income that you did not earn (e.g., dividends or interest or rent inco...

Also contains

  • income tax 5 facts

    A personal tax levied on annual income.

  • infliction 4 facts

    The act of imposing something (as a tax or an embargo).

  • charge 3 facts

    Financial liabilities (such as a tax); "the charges against the estate".

  • accumulator 3 facts

    A person who is employed to collect payments (as for rent or taxes).

  • capital levy 1 facts

    A tax on capital or property.

  • rates 1 facts

    A local tax on property (usually used in the plural).

  • capitation 1 facts

    A tax levied on the basis of a fixed amount per person.

  • transfer tax 1 facts

    Any tax levied on the passing of title to property.

  • deductible 0 facts

    (taxes) an amount that can be deducted (especially for the purposes of calculating income...

  • withholding 0 facts

    The act of deducting from an employee's salary.

  • overhead 0 facts

    The expense of maintaining property (e.g., paying property taxes and utilities and insurance);...

  • capital gains tax 0 facts

    A tax on capital gains; "he avoided the capital gains tax by short selling".

  • departure tax 0 facts

    A tax that is levied when you are departing a country by land or sea or air.

  • gift tax 0 facts

    A tax imposed on transfers of property by gift during the lifetime of the giver.

  • franchise tax 0 facts

    A tax that is imposed by states on corporations; it depends both on the net worth...

  • direct tax 0 facts

    A tax paid directly by the person or organization on whom it is levied.

  • proportional tax 0 facts

    Any tax in which the rate is constant as the amount subject to taxation increa...

  • progressive tax 0 facts

    Any tax in which the rate increases as the amount subject to taxation increases.

  • degressive tax 0 facts

    Any tax in which the rate decreases as the amount subject to taxation increases.

  • stamp tax 0 facts

    A tax collected by requiring a stamp to be purchased and attached (usually on documents...

  • pavage 0 facts

    A tax toward paving streets.

  • net estate 0 facts

    The estate remaining after debts and funeral expenses and administrative expenses have...

  • special assessment 0 facts

    An additional tax levied on private property for public improvements that enhance...

  • single tax 0 facts

    A system of taxation in which a tax is levied on a single commodity (usually land).