Fern Genus

Of genus and Pteridophyta.

Genera of ferns and fern allies.

This concept's ID is @1~65856


  • Platycerium 2 facts

    Often epiphytic tropical Old World ferns.

  • Polypodium 1 facts

    A genus of ferns belonging to the family Polypodiaceae and having rounded naked sori.

  • Aglaomorpha 1 facts

    Epiphytic ferns of tropical Asia.

  • Campyloneurum 1 facts

    Epiphytic ferns of tropical America.

  • Drynaria 1 facts

    Large robust epiphytic ferns of tropical forest and scrub; Africa and Asia and Austral...

  • genus Lecanopteris 1 facts

    Epiphytic ferns of southeastern Asia to New Guinea.

  • Microgramma 1 facts

    Epiphytic ferns of tropical America and Africa.

  • Microsorium 1 facts

    Tropical usually epiphytic ferns; Africa to Asia and Polynesia to Australia.

  • Phlebodium 1 facts

    Chiefly epiphytic tropical ferns with free veins bearing sori.

  • Pyrrosia 1 facts

    Epiphytic or lithophytic or terrestrial ferns of tropical Old World.

  • Solanopteris 1 facts

    Tropical American epiphytic ferns having rhizomes with tubers and roots as well as...

  • Drymoglossum 0 facts

    Epiphytic ferns of Madagascar to tropical Asia and New Guinea.

  • Cyclophorus 0 facts

    Tropical Old World ferns having closely crowded circular sori and no indusia.

  • Ceterach 0 facts

    Small genus of Old World ferns; superseded in some classification systems which place plants...

  • Phyllitis 0 facts

    A genus of ferns belonging to the family Polypodiaceae (in some classification systems...


  • Blechnum 1 facts

    In some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae; terrestrial ferns of cosmopolitan...

  • genus Doodia 1 facts

    In some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae; small terrestrial colony-forming...

  • Woodwardia 1 facts

    In some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae: chain ferns.

  • Sadleria 0 facts

    Low tree ferns with large fronds; in rain forests and on lava flows of Hawaiian Island...

  • Stenochlaena 0 facts

    Large tropical ferns; some epiphytic climbers and some terrestrial bog ferns; Africa;...


  • Diplopterygium 1 facts

    Scandent thicket-forming ferns of Asia to western Pacific.

  • Sticherus 1 facts

    Umbrella ferns; warm regions of Australia and New Zealand.

  • Gleichenia 0 facts

    Type genus of Gleicheniaceae: leptosporangiate ferns with sessile sporangia; South Africa...

  • Dicranopteris 0 facts

    Terrestrial ferns of forest margin or open ground; pantropical.


  • Asplenium 4 facts

    In some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae.

  • Schaffneria 1 facts

    One species.

  • Camptosorus 0 facts

    Classification used in some especially former systems for plants usually placed in genus...

  • Pleurosorus 0 facts

    Small genus comprising terrestrial ferns; found in Chile and Spain and Morocco and Australia...


  • Schizaea 1 facts

    Type genus of the Schizaeaceae cosmopolitan especially in tropics; small leptosporangiate...

  • Anemia 1 facts

    Genus of terrestrial or lithophytic ferns having pinnatifid fronds; chiefly of tropical ...

  • Lygodium 1 facts

    Chiefly tropical climbing ferns.

  • Mohria 1 facts

    African terrestrial ferns.




  • genus Osmunda 1 facts

    Type genus of the Osmundaceae.

  • Leptopteris 1 facts

    Including some ferns sometimes placed in genus Todea.

  • Todea 1 facts

    A genus of delicate ferns belonging to the family Osmundaceae.


  • Salvinia 1 facts

    Type genus of the Salviniaceae: water ferns.

  • Azolla 1 facts

    A genus of fern sometimes placed in its own family Azollaceae.


Also contains

  • genus Davallia 5 facts

    Old World tropical fern; in some classification systems placed directly in family...

  • Ceratopteris 2 facts

    Water ferns.

  • Vittaria 1 facts

    Tropical epiphytic ferns with straplike fronds.

  • genus Pecopteris 1 facts

    Genus of Carboniferous fossil ferns.

  • Cyathea 1 facts

    Type genus of the Cyatheaceae: tree ferns of the tropical rain forest to temperate wood...

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.