Fern Family

Of family and Pteridophyta.

Families of ferns and fern allies.

This concept's ID is @1~65855



  • Polypodiaceae 15 facts

    Ferns: a large family that in some classification systems has been subdivided into...

  • Pteridaceae 13 facts

    One of a number of families into which the family Polypodiaceae has been subdivided...

  • Blechnaceae 5 facts

    One of a number of families into which the family Polypodiaceae has been subdivided...

  • Gleicheniaceae 4 facts

    A family of ferns belonging to order Filicales.

  • Aspleniaceae 4 facts

    One of a number of families into which Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification...

  • Dicksoniaceae 4 facts

    Tree ferns: genera Dicksonia, Cibotium, Culcita, and Thyrsopteris elegans.

  • Osmundaceae 3 facts

    Large family of ferns widely distributed in temperate and tropical areas.

  • Oleandraceae 3 facts

    One of a number of families into which Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification...

  • Hymenophyllaceae 2 facts

    Terrestrial (hygrophytic) or epiphytic ferns: filmy ferns.

  • Parkeriaceae 1 facts

    Coextensive with the genus Ceratopteris; sometimes included in family Polypodiacea...

  • Vittariaceae 1 facts

    One of a number of families into which Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification...

  • Azollaceae 0 facts

    Used in some classifications for the genus Azolla.


Also contains

  • Ophioglossaceae 3 facts

    A family of succulent ferns of order Ophioglossales; cosmopolitan in distributi...

  • Marattiaceae 3 facts

    Constituting the order Marattiales: chiefly tropical eusporangiate ferns with gigantic...

  • Lycopodiaceae 1 facts

    A family of ferns belonging to the order Lycopodiales.

  • Selaginellaceae 1 facts

    Lesser club mosses: terrestrial chiefly tropical plants resembling mosses.

  • Isoetaceae 1 facts

    Quillworts; coextensive with the genus Isoetes.

  • Psilotaceae 1 facts

    Small family of lower ferns having nearly naked stems and minute scalelike leaves.

  • Equisetaceae 1 facts

    Sole surviving family of the Equisetales: fern allies.

  • Lepidodendraceae 0 facts

    Fossil plants characterized by conspicuous spirally arranged leaf scars on the...