Plant Part

Of plant and natural object.   May also be referred to as plant structure.

Any part of a plant or fungus.

This concept's ID is @1~65477


  • germ tube 0 facts

    (botany) a slender tubular outgrowth from a spore in germination.

  • pollen tube 0 facts

    (botany) a slender tubular outgrowth from a pollen grain when deposited on the stigma...

  • corona 0 facts

    (botany) the trumpet-shaped or cup-shaped outgrowth of the corolla of a daffodil or narcissus...

  • lip 0 facts

    (botany) either of the two parts of a bilabiate corolla or calyx.

  • lobe 0 facts

    (botany) a part into which a leaf is divided.

  • ligule 0 facts

    (botany) any appendage to a plant that is shaped like a strap.


  • mycelium 2 facts

    The vegetative part of a fungus consisting of a mass of branching threadlike hyphae.

  • cap 0 facts

    A fruiting structure resembling an umbrella or a cone that forms the top of a stalked fleshy...

  • volva 0 facts

    Cuplike structure around the base of the stalk of certain fungi.


  • chalaza 0 facts

    Basal part of a plant ovule opposite the micropyle; where integument and nucellus are j...

  • nucellus 0 facts

    Central part of a plant ovule; contains the embryo sac.

Also contains

  • plant organ 20 facts

    A functional and structural unit of a plant or fungus.

  • plant tissue 15 facts

    The tissue of a plant.

  • veil 2 facts

    A membranous covering attached to the immature fruiting body of certain mushrooms.

  • stock 1 facts

    A plant or stem onto which a graft is made; especially a plant grown specifically to provide...

  • thallus 1 facts

    A plant body without true stems or roots or leaves or vascular system; characteristic of...

  • duct 1 facts

    A continuous tube formed by a row of elongated cells lacking intervening end walls.

  • receptacle 1 facts

    Enlarged tip of a stem that bears the floral parts.

  • tendril 1 facts

    Slender stem-like structure by which some twining plants attach themselves to an object...

  • stump 1 facts

    The base part of a tree that remains standing after the tree has been felled.

  • button 0 facts

    Any of various plant parts that resemble buttons.

  • prophyll 0 facts

    A plant structure resembling a leaf.

  • aril 0 facts

    Fleshy and usually brightly colored cover of some seeds that develops from the ovule stalk...

  • calyptra 0 facts

    The hood or cap covering the calyx of certain plants: e.g., the California poppy.

  • domatium 0 facts

    A part of a plant (e.g., a leaf) that has been modified to provide protection for insects...

  • skirt 0 facts

    (Fungi) a remnant of the partial veil that in mature mushrooms surrounds the stem like a ...

  • kernel 0 facts

    The inner and usually edible part of a seed or grain or nut or fruit stone; "black walnut...

  • mentum 0 facts

    A projection like a chin formed by the sepals and base of the column in some orchids.

  • stub 0 facts

    A short piece remaining on a trunk or stem where a branch is lost.

  • pycnidium 0 facts

    Flask-shaped asexual structure containing conidia.

  • stipule 0 facts

    A small leafy outgrowth at the base of a leaf or its stalk; usually occurring in pairs and...

  • tepal 0 facts

    An undifferentiated part of a perianth that cannot be distinguished as a sepal or a petal...

  • gynostegium 0 facts

    The crown of the stamen in plants of the genus Asclepias.