
Of fungus family and Agaricales.   May also be referred to as family Hygrophoraceae.

A family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales; the gills of these fungi have a clean waxy appearance.

This concept's ID is @1~65395

Fungus Genus

  • Hygrophorus 10 facts

    A genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae.

  • Hygrocybe 1 facts

    A genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae.

  • Hygrotrama 1 facts

    A genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae.

  • Neohygrophorus 1 facts

    A genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae.

Also contains

  • waxycap 13 facts

    Any fungus of the family Hygrophoraceae having gills that are more or less waxy in appe...