
Of Agaricales and basidiomycete.

A saprophytic fungus of the order Agaricales having an umbrellalike cap with gills on the underside.

This concept's ID is @1~65052


  • Pholiota astragalina 0 facts

    A fungus with a smooth orange cap and yellow gills and pale yellow stalk.

  • Pholiota aurea 0 facts

    A beautiful yellow gilled fungus found from Alaska south along the coast.

  • Pholiota destruens 0 facts

    A large fungus with whitish scales on the cap and remnants of the veil hanging...

  • Pholiota flammans 0 facts

    A fungus with a yellow cap covered with fine scales as is the stalk.

  • Pholiota flavida 0 facts

    A fungus that grows in clusters on the ground; cap is brownish orange with a surface...

  • nameko 0 facts

    One of the most important fungi cultivated in Japan.

  • Pholiota squarrosa-adiposa 0 facts

    A gilled fungus having yellow slimy caps with conspicuous tawny scales...

  • Pholiota squarrosa 0 facts

    A gilled fungus with a cap and stalk that are conspicuously scaly with upright...

  • Pholiota squarrosoides 0 facts

    A pale buff fungus with tawny scales.



  • royal agaric 0 facts

    Widely distributed edible mushroom resembling the fly agaric.

  • false deathcap 0 facts

    Agaric often confused with the death cup.

  • fly agaric 0 facts

    Poisonous (but rarely fatal) woodland fungus having a scarlet cap with white warts and...

  • death cap 0 facts

    Extremely poisonous usually white fungus with a prominent cup-shaped base; differs from...

  • blusher 0 facts

    Yellowish edible agaric that usually turns red when touched.

  • destroying angel 0 facts

    Fungus similar to Amanita phalloides.


  • chanterelle 0 facts

    Widely distributed edible mushroom rich yellow in color with a smooth cap and a pleasant...

  • floccose chanterelle 0 facts

    A mildly poisonous fungus with a fruiting body shaped like a hollow trumpe...

  • pig's ears 0 facts

    An edible agaric with a brown fruiting body that is often compound.

  • cinnabar chanterelle 0 facts

    Mushroom with a distinctive pink to vermillion fruiting body.




  • Entoloma lividum 0 facts

    A deadly poisonous agaric; a large cap that is first white (livid or lead-colored)...

  • Entoloma aprile 0 facts

    An agaric with a dark brown conical cap; fruits in early spring.

Genus Lepiota

  • lepiota 7 facts

    Any fungus of the genus Lepiota.

  • parasol mushroom 0 facts

    Edible long-stalked mushroom with white flesh and gills and spores; found in open...


  • Pluteus aurantiorugosus 0 facts

    An agaric with a brilliant scarlet cap and a slender stalk.

  • Pluteus magnus 0 facts

    An edible agaric found in piles of hardwood sawdust; the caps are black and coarsely...


  • horse mushroom 0 facts

    Coarse edible mushroom with a hollow stem and a broad white cap.

  • meadow mushroom 0 facts

    Common edible mushroom found naturally in moist open soil; the cultivated mushroom...


  • inky cap 0 facts

    Having a cap that melts into an inky fluid after spores have matured.

  • shaggymane 0 facts

    Common edible mushroom having an elongated shaggy white cap and black spores.

Also contains

  • Chlorophyllum molybdites 0 facts

    A poisonous agaric with a fibrillose cap and brown scales on a white ground...

  • blewits 0 facts

    Edible agaric that is pale lilac when young; has a smooth moist cap.

  • mushroom 0 facts

    S and related fleshy fungi (including toadstools, puffballs, morels, coral fungi, etc.

  • mushroom 0 facts

    Common name for an edible agaric (contrasting with the inedible toadstool).

  • toadstool 0 facts

    Common name for an inedible or poisonous agaric (contrasting with the edible mushroom...

  • jack-o-lantern fungus 0 facts

    A large poisonous agaric with orange caps and narrow clustered stalks; the...

  • milkcap 0 facts

    Edible mushroom.

  • fairy-ring mushroom 0 facts

    Mushroom that grows in a fairy ring.

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.