
Of rosid dicot genus and Saxifragaceae.   May also be referred to as genus Saxifraga.

Type genus of the Saxifragaceae; large genus of usually perennial herbs of Arctic and cool regions of northern hemisphere: saxifrage.

This concept's ID is @1~64038


  • saxifrage 7 facts

    Any of various plants of the genus Saxifraga.

  • yellow mountain saxifrage 0 facts

    Tufted evergreen perennial having ciliate leaves and yellow corymbose...

  • meadow saxifrage 0 facts

    Rosette-forming perennial having compact panicles of white flowers; Europe.

  • mossy saxifrage 0 facts

    Tufted or mat-forming perennial of mountains of Europe; cultivated for its white...

  • western saxifrage 0 facts

    Saxifrage having loose clusters of white flowers on hairy stems growing from a...

  • purple saxifrage 0 facts

    Plants forming dense cushions with bright reddish-lavender flowers; rocky areas...

  • star saxifrage 0 facts

    Small often mat-forming alpine plant having small starlike white flowers; Europe.

  • strawberry geranium 0 facts

    Eastern Asiatic saxifrage with racemes of small red-and-white flowers; spreads...