
Of rosid dicot genus and Rosaceae.   May also be referred to as genus Prunus.

A genus of shrubs and trees of the family Rosaceae that is widely distributed in temperate regions.

This concept's ID is @1~63284

Fruit Tree

  • plum 9 facts

    Any of several trees producing edible oval fruit having a smooth skin and a single hard st...

  • cherry 9 facts

    Any of numerous trees and shrubs producing a small fleshy round fruit with a single hard...

  • almond tree 6 facts

    Any of several small bushy trees having pink or white blossoms and usually bearing ...

  • apricot 3 facts

    Asian tree having clusters of usually white blossoms and edible fruit resembling the pe...

  • plumcot 1 facts

    Hybrid produced by crossing Prunus domestica and Prunus armeniaca.

  • peach 1 facts

    Cultivated in temperate regions.

  • nectarine 1 facts

    Variety or mutation of the peach bearing fruit with smooth skin and (usually) yellow ...


  • cherry laurel 0 facts

    Frequently cultivated Eurasian evergreen shrub or small tree having showy clusters...

  • sand cherry 0 facts

    Small straggling American cherry growing on sandy soil and having minute scarcely edible...

  • sloe 0 facts

    A thorny Eurasian bush with plumlike fruits.


  • common apricot 1 facts

    Temperate zone tree bearing downy yellow to rosy fruits.

  • purple apricot 0 facts

    Small hybrid apricot of Asia and Asia Minor having purplish twigs and white flowers...

Also contains

  • chokecherry 2 facts

    A common wild cherry of eastern North America having small bitter black berries favored...

  • hagberry tree 1 facts

    Small European cherry tree closely resembling the American chokecherry.

  • mock orange 0 facts

    Small flowering evergreen tree of southern United States.

  • Western sand cherry 0 facts

    Dwarf ornamental shrub of western United States having large black to red and...