
Of rosid dicot genus and Papilionoideae.   May also be referred to as genus Lathyrus.

Genus of climbing herbs of Old World and temperate North and South America: vetchling; wild pea.

This concept's ID is @1~62800


  • vetchling 4 facts

    Any of various small plants of the genus Lathyrus; climb usually by means of tendrils.

  • black pea 0 facts

    Perennial of Europe and North Africa; foliage turns black in drying.

  • grass vetch 0 facts

    Annual European vetch with red flowers.

  • grass pea 0 facts

    European annual grown for forage; seeds used for food in India and for stock elsewher...

  • spring vetchling 0 facts

    Bushy European perennial having nodding racemose violet-blue flowers.

Wild Pea

  • beach pea 0 facts

    Wild pea of seashores of north temperate zone having tough roots and purple flowers and...

  • marsh pea 0 facts

    Scrambling perennial of damp or marshy areas of Eurasia and North America with purplish...

  • common vetchling 0 facts

    Scrambling perennial Eurasian wild pea having yellowish flowers and compressed...

  • pride of California 0 facts

    Shrubby California perennial having large pink or violet flowers; cultivated...

  • Tangier pea 0 facts

    North African annual resembling the sweet pea having showy but odorless flowers.


  • everlasting pea 2 facts

    Any of several perennial vines of the genus Lathyrus.

  • sweet pea 0 facts

    Climbing garden plant having fragrant pastel-colored flowers.

  • heath pea 0 facts

    European herb bearing small tubers used for food and in Scotland to flavor whiskey.

Everlasting Pea

  • broad-leaved everlasting pea 0 facts

    Perennial climber of central and southern Europe having purple or pink...

  • flat pea 0 facts

    European perennial with mottled flowers of purple and pink; sometimes cultivated for fodder...