
Of rosid dicot family and Leguminosae.   May also be referred to as subfamily Papilionoideae.

Alternative name used in some classification systems for the family Papilionaceae.

This concept's ID is @1~62634

Rosid Dicot Genus

  • Dalbergia 5 facts

    Large genus of tropical trees having pinnate leaves and paniculate flowers and cultivated...

  • genus Crotalaria 3 facts

    Large genus of herbs with simple leaves and racemes of yellow flowers; mainly of...

  • Genista 3 facts

    Chiefly deciduous shrubs or small trees of Mediterranean area and western Asia: broom.

  • Andira 2 facts

    Small genus of evergreen trees of tropical America and western Africa.

  • Anthyllis 2 facts

    Genus of Mediterranean herbs and shrubs.

  • Canavalia 2 facts

    Herbs or woody vines of mainly American tropics and subtropics.

  • genus Coronilla 2 facts

    Genus of Old World shrubs and herbs.

  • Cytisus 2 facts

    Large genus of stiff or spiny evergreen or deciduous Old World shrubs: broom.

  • genus Derris 2 facts

    Genus of Old World tropical shrubs and woody vines.

  • Glycyrrhiza 2 facts

    Sticky perennial Eurasian herbs.

  • Hedysarum 2 facts

    Genus of herbs of north temperate regions.

  • genus Amorpha 1 facts

    American herbs or shrubs usually growing in dry sunny habitats on prairies and hi...

  • Amphicarpaea 1 facts

    Very small genus of twining vines of North America and Asia: hog peanut.

  • Anagyris 1 facts

    Very small genus of shrubs of southern Europe having backward curving seed pods.

  • Apios 1 facts

    Twining perennial North American plants.

  • Aspalathus 1 facts

    Genus of South African heathlike shrubs.

  • Astragalus 1 facts

    Large genus of annual or perennial herbs or shrubs of north temperate regions; largest...

  • Baphia 1 facts

    Small genus of shrubs and lianas and trees of Africa and Madagascar.

  • Baptisia 1 facts

    Genus of North American plants with showy flowers and an inflated pod.

  • Butea 1 facts

    Genus of East Indian trees or shrubs: dhak.

  • Cajanus 1 facts

    Erect densely branched shrubby perennials of Old World tropics; naturalized in other warm...

  • genus Caragana 1 facts

    Large genus of Asiatic deciduous shrubs or small trees.

  • Castanospermum 1 facts

    A rosid dicot genus of the subfamily Papilionoideae having one species: Moreton Bay...

  • Centrosema 1 facts

    A genus of chiefly tropical American vines of the family Leguminosae having trifoliate...

  • Cercis 1 facts

    Deciduous shrubs and trees of eastern Asia, southern Europe and the United States.

  • Chamaecytisus 1 facts

    Small late-flowering trees or subshrubs having yellow to red flowers and leathery...

  • Chordospartium 1 facts

    2 species of small New Zealand trees: weeping tree broom; endangered.

  • Chorizema 1 facts

    Genus of Australian twining vines and small shrubs: flame peas.

  • Cladrastis 1 facts


  • genus Clianthus 1 facts

    Genus of semi-prostrate Australasian shrubs or vines.

  • Clitoria 1 facts

    Genus of tropical shrubs or vines having pinnate leaves and large axillary flowers.

  • Codariocalyx 1 facts

    Used in some classifications for plants usually included in genus Desmodium.

  • Colutea 1 facts

    Small genus of Eurasian shrubs with yellow flowers and bladdery pods.

  • Cyamopsis 1 facts

    Small genus of annual usually hairy herbs of tropical Africa and Arabia.

  • Dalea 1 facts

    Indigo bush.

  • Daviesia 1 facts

    Genus of Australasian shrubs and subshrubs having small yellow or purple flowers followed...

  • Desmanthus 1 facts

    Genus of American herbs or shrubs with sensitive pinnate leaves and small whitish fl...

  • Desmodium 1 facts

    Beggarweed; tick trefoil.

  • Dipogon 1 facts

    One species: Australian pea.

  • genus Erythrina 1 facts

    Genus of attractive tropical shrubs or trees with usually red flowers.

  • Galega 1 facts

    Small genus of Eurasian herbs: goat's rue.

  • genus Gastrolobium 1 facts

    Genus of Australian evergreen shrubs poisonous to livestock: poison bush.

  • Geoffroea 1 facts

    Small genus of shrubs or small trees of tropical and subtropical America.

  • genus Gliricidia 1 facts

    Small genus of low-branching profusely flowering trees of tropical America.

  • Glycine 1 facts

    Genus of Asiatic erect or sprawling herbs: soya bean.

  • Halimodendron 1 facts

    One species: salt tree.

  • Hardenbergia 1 facts

    Small genus of Australian woody vines with small violet flowers; closely related to...

  • Cicer 0 facts

    Chickpea plant; Asiatic herbs.

  • Dolichos 0 facts

    Genus of chiefly tropical vines often placed in genera Dipogon or Lablab or Macrotylom...

Also contains

  • broom 7 facts

    Any of various shrubs of the genera Cytisus or Genista or Spartium having long slender branches...

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.