
Of liliid monocot genus and Liliaceae.   May also be referred to as genus Zigadenus.

Genus of mostly North American poisonous plants; sometimes placed in family Melanthiaceae.

This concept's ID is @1~62475

Death Camas

  • death camas 4 facts

    Any of various plants of the genus Zigadenus having glaucous leaves and terminal racemes...

  • alkali grass 0 facts

    Plant of western North America having grasslike leaves and greenish-white flowers.

  • white camas 0 facts

    Plant of eastern and central North America having creamy white flowers tinged with brown...

  • poison camas 0 facts

    A common perennial death camas; Tennessee to Kansas to Texas.

  • grassy death camas 0 facts

    Plant of western North America to Mexico; poisonous especially to grazing an...