
Of liliid monocot family and Liliales.   May also be referred to as family Iridaceae and iris family.

Large family of usually perennial geophytic herbs with rhizomes or corms or bulbs.

This concept's ID is @1~62215

Liliid Monocot Genus

  • genus Iris 4 facts

    Large genus of perennials that develop from bulbs or rhizomes.

  • Belamcanda 1 facts

    A monocotyledonous genus of the family Iridaceae.

  • genus Crocus 1 facts

    A monocotyledonous genus of the family Iridaceae.

  • genus Freesia 1 facts

    Cormous perennial herbs; native to South Africa.

  • genus Gladiolus 1 facts


  • Ixia 1 facts

    A monocotyledonous genus of the family Iridaceae.

  • Sisyrinchium 1 facts

    Chiefly North American grasslike herbs.

  • Sparaxis 1 facts

    Deciduous perennial herbs of South Africa.

Also contains