
Of gum and genus Eucalyptus.   May also be referred to as eucalypt and eucalyptus tree.

A tree of the genus Eucalyptus.

This concept's ID is @1~61847


  • flooded gum 3 facts

    Any of several Australian gum trees growing on moist or alluvial soil.

  • mallee 2 facts

    Any of several low-growing Australian eucalypts.

  • stringybark 1 facts

    Any of several Australian eucalypts having fibrous inner bark.

  • river red gum 1 facts

    Somewhat crooked red gum tree growing chiefly along rivers; has durable reddish lumber...

  • eucalyptus 0 facts

    Wood of any of various eucalyptus trees valued as timber.

  • smoothbark 0 facts

    Any of several Australian eucalypts having the bark smooth except at or near the base...

  • peppermint 0 facts

    Red gum tree of Tasmania.

  • red gum 0 facts

    Very large red gum tree.

  • mountain swamp gum 0 facts

    Medium-sized swamp gum of New South Wales and Victoria.

  • white ash 0 facts

    Small to medium-sized tree of Australia and Tasmania having smooth white to light-grey...

  • alpine ash 0 facts

    Tall timber tree with hard heavy pinkish or light brown wood.

  • white mountain ash 0 facts

    Large tree with dark compact bark on lower trunk but smooth and white above;...

  • fever tree 0 facts

    Tall fast-growing timber tree with leaves containing a medicinal oil; young leaves are...

  • swamp gum 0 facts

    Medium-sized tree of southern Australia.

  • spotted gum 0 facts

    Large gum tree with mottled bark.

  • lemon-scented gum 0 facts

    Similar to but smaller than the spotted gum and having lemon-scented leaves.

  • mountain ash 0 facts

    Tree having wood similar to the alpine ash; tallest tree in Australia and tallest hardwood...

  • manna gum 0 facts

    Tall tree yielding a false manna.