
Of hamamelid dicot genus and Fagaceae.   May also be referred to as genus Nothofagus.

Beeches of temperate southern hemisphere except Africa: southern beech.

This concept's ID is @1~61512

Southern Beech

  • southern beech 7 facts

    Any of various beeches of the southern hemisphere having small usually evergreen...

  • New Zealand beech 1 facts

    Any of several tall New Zealand trees of the genus Nothofagus; some yield useful...

  • Coigue 0 facts

    Chilean evergreen whose leafy boughs are used for thatching.

  • roble beech 0 facts

    Tall deciduous South American tree.

  • rauli beech 0 facts

    Large Chilean timber tree yielding coarse lumber.

  • black beech 0 facts

    New Zealand forest tree.

  • hard beech 0 facts

    Tall New Zealand tree yielding very hard wood.

Also contains

  • silver beech 0 facts

    New Zealand beech with usually pale silvery bark.