
Of dilleniid dicot family and Ericales.   May also be referred to as family Pyrolaceae and wintergreen family.

Evergreen herbs of temperate regions: genera Pyrola, Chimaphila, Moneses, Orthilia.

This concept's ID is @1~61464

Dilleniid Dicot Genus

  • genus Pyrola 1 facts

    Short-stemmed perennial herbs of cool or temperate regions: wintergreen; shinleaf.

  • Chimaphila 1 facts

    Small genus of evergreen herbs with long creeping rootstocks and shining leaves; North...

  • Moneses 1 facts

    One species: one-flowered wintergreen; sometimes included in genus Pyrola.

  • Orthilia 0 facts

    A shrubby perennial rhizomatous evergreen herb; grows in damp coniferous woodlands in northern...