
Of dicot family and Proteales.   May also be referred to as family Proteaceae and protea family.

Large family of Australian and South African shrubs and trees with leathery leaves and clustered mostly tetramerous flowers; constitutes the order Proteales.

This concept's ID is @1~61264

Dicot Genus

  • genus Grevillea 4 facts

    Large genus of Australian shrubs and trees having usually showy orange or red f...

  • genus Macadamia 4 facts

    Trees or shrubs; Madagascar to Australia.

  • genus Protea 3 facts

    Type genus of Proteaceae; tropical African shrubs.

  • Hakea 3 facts

    Australian shrubs and small trees with evergreen usually spiny leaves and dense clusters of...

  • Stenocarpus 2 facts

    Small genus of timber trees; Australia to Malaysia.

  • Telopea 2 facts

    Australian evergreen shrubs: waratahs.

  • genus Banksia 1 facts

    Important genus of Australian evergreen shrubs or trees with alternate leathery leaves...

  • Conospermum 1 facts

    Australian shrubs (some trees) with flowers in dense spikes: smoke bush.

  • Embothrium 1 facts

    Small genus of South American evergreen shrubs or small trees with long willowy branches...

  • Guevina 1 facts

    One species: Chilean nut.

  • Knightia 1 facts

    Small genus of trees or shrubs of New Zealand and New Caledonia.

  • Lambertia 1 facts

    Small genus of Australian shrubs.

  • Leucadendron 1 facts

    Large genus of evergreen trees and shrubs having silvery white leaves and solitary...

  • genus Lomatia 1 facts

    Small genus of low-growing evergreens of Chile and Australia; some yield dyes.

  • Orites 1 facts

    Small genus of Australian shrubs or trees.

  • Persoonia 1 facts

    Australian undershrubs to small trees: geebungs.

  • Xylomelum 1 facts

    Small species of Australian trees or shrubs; grown for their fruit and flowers.

  • Bartle Frere 0 facts

    A living fossil or so-called `green dinosaur'; genus or subfamily of primitive nut-bearing...