
Of dilleniid dicot family and Malvales.   May also be referred to as family Bombacaceae.

Tropical trees with large dry or fleshy fruit containing usually woolly seeds.

This concept's ID is @1~61176

Dilleniid Dicot Genus

  • Adansonia 2 facts

    Baobab; cream-of-tartar tree.

  • Bombax 1 facts

    Trees of chiefly South America.

  • Durio 1 facts

    A genus of tall Asian trees of the family Bombacaceae.

  • genus Montezuma 1 facts

    One species: medium-sized evergreen tree of Puerto Rico or Mexico.

  • Ochroma 1 facts

    One species: balsa.

  • Pseudobombax 1 facts

    Tropical American deciduous shrubs or small trees.

  • Ceiba 0 facts

    Tropical American trees with palmately compound leaves and showy bell-shaped flowers.