
Of cereal and Triticum.

Annual or biennial grass having erect flower spikes and light brown grains.

This concept's ID is @1~60951


  • common wheat 1 facts

    Widely cultivated in temperate regions in many varieties for its commercially important...

  • wheat berry 0 facts

    A grain of wheat.

  • durum 0 facts

    Wheat with hard dark-colored kernels high in gluten and used for bread and pasta; grown especially...

  • soft wheat 0 facts

    Wheat with soft starch kernels used in pastry and breakfast cereals.

  • spelt 0 facts

    Hardy wheat grown mostly in Europe for livestock feed.

  • emmer 0 facts

    Hard red wheat grown especially in Russia and Germany; in United States as stock feed.

  • wild wheat 0 facts

    Found wild in Palestine; held to be prototype of cultivated wheat.