Rein Orchid

Of orchid and Habenaria.   May also be referred to as rein orchis.

Any of several American wildflowers with a kidney-shaped lip.

This concept's ID is @1~60565


  • Alaska rein orchid 0 facts

    Similar to coastal rein orchid but with smaller flowers; Alaska to Baja California...

  • bog rein orchid 0 facts

    Orchid with spikes of many fragrant white flowers on erect leafy stems; of wet or...

  • elegant Habenaria 0 facts

    Slender inland rein orchid similar to coastal rein orchid but with pale greenish-yellow...

  • coastal rein orchid 0 facts

    Stout orchid of central California to northern Washington having racemes of...

  • round-leaved rein orchid 0 facts

    Orchid having a raceme of large greenish-white flowers on a single flower...