
Of caryophylloid dicot family and Caryophyllales.   May also be referred to as carnation family, family Caryophyllaceae and pink family.

Large family of herbs or subshrubs (usually with stems swollen at the nodes).

This concept's ID is @1~59321

Caryophylloid Dicot Genus

  • genus Silene 6 facts

    Large widely distributed genus of plants having mostly showy flowers of various colors:...

  • Moehringia 2 facts

    Low-growing herbs widely distributed in temperate and Arctic northern hemisphere: sandworts;...

  • Agrostemma 1 facts

    A caryophylloid dicot genus including corn cockles.

  • Arenaria 1 facts


  • Cerastium 1 facts

    Mouse-eared chickweed.

  • Dianthus 1 facts

    Carnations and pinks.

  • genus Drypis 1 facts

    One species.

  • Gypsophila 1 facts

    Mediterranean herbs having small white or pink flowers.

  • Hernaria 1 facts

    Low-growing Old World herbs with minute bright green leaves.

  • Illecebrum 1 facts

    One species: coral necklace.

  • genus Lychnis 1 facts

    Genus of plants strongly resembling those of genus Silene: catchfly.

  • Paronychia 1 facts

    Low-growing annual or perennial herbs or woody plants; whitlowworts.

  • Sagina 1 facts

    Small low-growing annual or perennial herbs of temperate and cool regions.

  • Saponaria 1 facts

    Mostly perennial Old World herbs.

  • Scleranthus 1 facts

    Small genus of Old World weedy prostrate annuals: knawel.

  • Spergula 1 facts

    Small genus of Old World annual herbs: corn spurry.

  • Spergularia 1 facts

    Chiefly maritime Eurasian herbs: sand spurry; sea spurry.

  • Vaccaria 1 facts


  • Minuartia 0 facts

    Mostly perennial herbs of northern hemisphere often with mat-forming habit; most often...

  • Petrocoptis 0 facts

    Perennial tussock-forming rock plants; of Pyrenees and mountains of northern Spain;...

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