
Of class and Dicotyledones.   May also be referred to as subclass Caryophyllidae.

A group of families of mostly flowers having basal or central placentation and trinucleate pollen (binucleate pollen is commoner in flowering plants); contains 14 families including: Caryophyllaceae (carnations and pinks); Aizoaceae; Amaranthaceae; Batidaceae; Chenopodiaceae; Cactaceae (order Opuntiales); Nyctaginaceae; Phytolaccaceae; corresponds approximately to order Caryophyllales; sometimes classified as a superorder.

This concept's ID is @1~59318

Plant Order

  • Caryophyllales 8 facts

    Corresponds approximately to the older group Centrospermae.

  • Opuntiales 1 facts

    Coextensive with the family Cactaceae: cactuses.

Also contains