
Of rosid dicot family and Leguminosae.   May also be referred to as subfamily Mimosoideae.

Alternative name used in some classification systems for the family Mimosaceae.

This concept's ID is @1~59086

Rosid Dicot Genus

  • genus Acacia 10 facts

    Large genus of shrubs and trees and some woody vines of Central and South America,...

  • genus Mimosa 3 facts

    Genus of spiny woody shrubs or trees; named for their apparent imitation of animal...

  • genus Inga 3 facts

    Genus of tropical trees or shrubs.

  • Lysiloma 2 facts

    Small genus of tropical American trees and shrubs with pinnate leaves and flat straight...

  • Pithecellobium 2 facts

    Thorny shrubs and trees of tropical and subtropical America and Asia.

  • Adenanthera 1 facts

    Small genus of trees of tropical Asia and Pacific areas.

  • genus Albizia 1 facts

    Large genus of unarmed trees and shrubs of Old World tropics.

  • Anadenanthera 1 facts

    2 species of tropical American shrubs or trees.

  • genus Calliandra 1 facts

    Genus of pinnate-leaved shrubs and small trees of tropical and subtropical North...

  • Enterolobium 1 facts

    Small genus of tropical American timber trees closely allied to genus Albizia.

  • Leucaena 1 facts

    Small genus of tropical evergreen trees or shrubs having pods like those of the acacia.

  • Parkia 1 facts

    Genus of tropical Old World trees: nitta trees.

  • Prosopis 1 facts

    Genus of tropical or subtropical branching shrubs or trees: mesquite.

  • Piptadenia 0 facts

    Tropical American trees and shrubs; often placed in other genera.