
Of bloom.

The flowering part of a plant or arrangement of flowers on a stalk.

This concept's ID is @1~58673


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    A modified leaf or leaflike part just below and protecting an inflorescence.

  • cyme 3 facts

    More or less flat-topped cluster of flowers in which the central or terminal flower opens ...

  • flower cluster 2 facts

    An inflorescence consisting of a cluster of flowers.

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    A shortened compact cluster of flowers so arranged that the whole gives the effect of...

  • spike 1 facts

    (botany) an indeterminate inflorescence bearing sessile flowers on an unbranched axis.

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    A cylindrical spikelike inflorescence.

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    Flat-topped or convex inflorescence in which the individual flower stalks grow upward from...

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    Flat-topped or rounded inflorescence characteristic of the family Umbelliferae in which the...