Fungus Genus

Of genus and Fungi.

Includes lichen genera.

This concept's ID is @1~58321


  • Amanita 7 facts

    Genus of widely distributed agarics that have white spores and are poisonous with few e...

  • Cantharellus 4 facts

    A well-known genus of fungus; has funnel-shaped fruiting body; includes the chante...

  • Agaricus 2 facts

    Type genus of Agaricaceae; gill fungi having brown spores and including several edible...

  • Coprinus 2 facts

    Genus of black-spotted agarics in which the cap breaks down at maturity into an inky fluid;...

  • Pleurotus 2 facts

    Agarics with white spores and caps having an eccentric stem; an important mushroom of...

  • Lactarius 1 facts

    Large genus of agarics that have white spore and contain a white or milky juice when cut...

  • Marasmius 1 facts

    Chiefly small mushrooms with white spores.

  • Russula 0 facts

    Large genus of fungi with stout stems and white spores and neither annulus nor volva; brittle...


  • Usnea 1 facts

    Widely distributed lichens usually having a greyish or yellow pendulous freely branched t...

  • Alectoria 1 facts

    Lichens having dark brown erect or pendulous much-branched cylindrical thallus.

  • Evernia 0 facts

    Lichens of the family Usneaceae having a pendulous or shrubby thallus.

  • Ramalina 0 facts

    Shrubby lichens of the family Usneaceae having a flattened thallus.



  • Pholiota 9 facts

    Genus of gilled agarics of Europe and North America having brown spores and an annulus...

  • Stropharia 3 facts

    Genus of gill fungi with brown spores that is closely related to Agaricus; here placed...


  • Lentinus 2 facts

    A genus of fungus belonging to the family Tricholomataceae.

  • Omphalotus 1 facts

    A genus of fungi with a depressed disc in the cap.


  • Xylaria 2 facts

    Type genus of Xylariaceae; fungi with perithecia in the upper part of erect black woody...

  • Rosellinia 0 facts

    Fungi having smooth perithecia with dark one-celled ascospores.


  • Parmelia 1 facts

    Type genus of the Parmeliaceae; a large genus of chiefly alpine foliaceous lichens.

  • Cetraria 1 facts

    Foliose lichens chiefly of northern latitudes.


  • Rhizopogon 1 facts

    A genus of fungi having subterranean sporophores resembling tubers.

  • Truncocolumella 1 facts

    A genus of fungi belonging to the family Rhizopogonaceae.


  • genus Rhizopus 3 facts

    A genus of rot-causing fungi having columnar hemispherical aerial sporangia anchored...

  • genus Mucor 1 facts

    Type genus of the Mucoraceae; genus of molds having cylindrical or pear-shaped sporangia...

Also contains

  • Scleroderma 4 facts

    Genus of poisonous fungi having hard-skinned fruiting bodies: false truffles.

  • Peronospora 3 facts

    Genus of destructive downy mildews.

  • Saprolegnia 2 facts

    Aquatic fungi growing chiefly on plant debris and animal remains.

  • Entoloma 2 facts

    Agarics with pink spores but lacking both volva and annulus (includes some that are po...

  • genus Lecanora 2 facts

    Type genus of Lecanoraceae; crustaceous lichens.

  • Synchytrium 2 facts

    Simple parasitic fungi including pond scum parasites.

  • Albugo 1 facts

    Type genus of the Albuginaceae; fungi causing white rusts.

  • Plasmodiophora 1 facts

    Type genus of Plasmodiophoraceae comprising minute plant parasitic fungi similar...

  • Tuber 1 facts

    Type genus of the Tuberaceae: fungi whose fruiting bodies are typically truffles.

  • Erysiphe 1 facts

    Genus of powdery mildews.

  • Ceratostomella 1 facts

    Genus of fungi forming continuous hyaline spores.

  • genus Roccella 1 facts

    Chiefly fruticose maritime rock-inhabiting lichens.

  • Claviceps 1 facts

    Fungi parasitic upon the ovaries of various grasses.

  • Cladonia 1 facts

    Type genus of Cladoniaceae; lichens characterized by a crustose thallus and capitate fruiting...

  • genus Sclerotinia 1 facts

    Large genus of ascomycetous fungi including various destructive plant pathoge...

  • Tulostoma 1 facts

    Type genus of the Tulostomaceae.

  • genus Dictostylium 1 facts

    Genus of slime molds that grow on dung and decaying vegetation.

  • genus Chlorophyllum 0 facts

    A genus of fungus belonging to the family Lepiotaceae.

  • Hydnum 0 facts

    Type genus of Hydnaceae.

  • Neurospora 0 facts

    Genus of fungi with black perithecia used extensively in genetic research; includes some...

  • Pertusaria 0 facts

    Crustose lichens that are a source of the dye archil and of litmus.

  • Helotium 0 facts

    Type genus of the Helotiaceae.

  • Entomophthora 0 facts

    Type genus of the Entomophthoraceae; fungi parasitic on insects.

  • Blastocladia 0 facts

    A genus of fungi of the family Blastodiaceae.

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.