
Of agamete.

A small usually single-celled asexual reproductive body produced by many nonflowering plants and fungi and some bacteria and protozoans and that are capable of developing into a new individual without sexual fusion; "a sexual spore is formed after the fusion of gametes".

This concept's ID is @1~58266


  • pollen 2 facts

    The fine spores that contain male gametes and that are borne by an anther in a flowering...

  • chlamydospore 1 facts

    Thick-walled asexual resting spore of certain fungi and algae.

  • oospore 0 facts

    A thick-walled sexual spore that develops from a fertilized oosphere in some algae and ...

  • ascospore 0 facts

    Sexually produced fungal spore formed within an ascus.

  • carpospore 0 facts

    A nonmotile spore of red algae.

  • resting spore 0 facts

    A spore of certain algae or fungi that lies dormant; may germinate after a prolonged...

  • zygospore 0 facts

    A plant spore formed by two similar sexual cells.

  • tetraspore 0 facts

    One of the four asexual spores produced within a sporangium.

  • zoospore 0 facts

    An asexual spore of some algae and fungi that moves by means of flagella.

  • microspore 0 facts

    Smaller of the two types of spore produced in heterosporous plants; develops in the pollen...

  • fern seed 0 facts

    The asexual spore of ferns that resembles dust; once thought to be seeds and to make the...

  • megaspore 0 facts

    Larger of the two types of spore produced in heterosporous plants; develops in ovule into...

  • aeciospore 0 facts

    Spore of a rust fungus formed in an aecium.

  • basidiospore 0 facts

    A sexually produced fungal spore borne on a basidium.

  • endospore 0 facts

    A small asexual spore that develops inside the cell of some bacteria and algae.

  • conidium 0 facts

    An asexually produced fungal spore formed on a conidiophore.