
Of Filicopsida and pteridophyte.

Any of numerous flowerless and seedless vascular plants having true roots from a rhizome and fronds that uncurl upward; reproduce by spores.

This concept's ID is @1~58263


  • spleenwort 11 facts

    Any of various chiefly rock-inhabiting ferns of the genus Asplenium.

  • bird's nest fern 0 facts

    Tropical Old World or Australian epiphytic fern frequently forming tufts in tree...

  • hart's-tongue fern 0 facts

    Eurasian fern with simple lanceolate fronds.

  • scale fern 0 facts

    Small European fern with chaffy leathery fronds.

Also contains

  • aquatic fern 7 facts

    Ferns that grow in water.

  • polypody 5 facts

    Any of numerous ferns of the genus Polypodium.

  • tree fern 5 facts

    Any of numerous usually tropical ferns having a thick woody stem or caudex and a crown...

  • grape fern 4 facts

    A fern of the genus Botrychium having a fertile frond bearing small grapelike clusters...

  • maidenhair 4 facts

    Any of various small to large terrestrial ferns of the genus Adiantum having delicate...

  • wood fern 4 facts

    Any of various ferns of the genus Dryopteris.

  • bladder fern 3 facts

    Any fern of the genus Cystopteris characterized by a hooded indusium or bladderlike...

  • holly fern 3 facts

    Any of various ferns of the genus Polystichum having fronds with texture and gloss like...

  • woodsia 3 facts

    Any fern of the genus Woodsia.

  • lip fern 3 facts

    Any of various terrestrial ferns of the genus Cheilanthes; cosmopolitan in arid and semiarid...

  • rock brake 3 facts

    Any of several small lithophytic ferns of tropical and warm temperate regions.

  • filmy fern 3 facts

    Any fern of the genus Trichomanes having large pinnatifid often translucent fronds; most...

  • shield fern 3 facts

    Any of various ferns of the genera Dryopteris or Polystichum or Lastreopsis having somewhat...

  • flowering fern 3 facts

    Any fern of the genus Osmunda: large ferns with creeping rhizomes; naked sporangia...

  • climbing fern 2 facts

    Any of several ferns of the genus Lygodium that climb by twining.

  • strap fern 2 facts

    Fern with long narrow strap-shaped leaves.

  • staghorn fern 2 facts

    Any of various tropical ferns of the genus Platycerium having large flat lobed fronds...

  • sword fern 2 facts

    Any of several tropical ferns having more or less sword-shaped fronds including one from...

  • beech fern 2 facts

    Any fern of the genus Phegopteris having deeply cut triangular fronds.

  • rock brake 2 facts

    Dwarf deciduous lithophytic ferns.

  • davallia 2 facts

    Any fern of the genus Davallia; having scaly creeping rhizomes.

  • adder's tongue 1 facts

    Ferns with fertile spikes shaped like a snake's tongue.

  • marsh fern 1 facts

    Fern having pinnatifid fronds and growing in wet places; cosmopolitan in north temperate...

  • hard fern 1 facts

    Any of several ferns of the genus Blechnum.

  • chain fern 1 facts

    A fern of the genus Woodwardia having the sori in chainlike rows.

  • lady fern 1 facts

    Most widely grown fern of the genus Athyrium for its delicate foliage.

  • pine fern 0 facts

    Fern of Florida and West Indies and Central America with rhizome densely clad in grown...

  • scented fern 0 facts

    Sweetly scented African fern with narrow bipinnate fronds.

  • giant scrambling fern 0 facts

    Large scrambling fern forming large patches to 18 feet high; Pacific region...

  • umbrella fern 0 facts

    Large Australasian fern with fanlike repeatedly forked fronds; sometimes placed in...

  • bear's-paw fern 0 facts

    Epiphytic fern with large fronds; Taiwan and Philippines.

  • basket fern 0 facts

    Giant epiphytic or lithophytic fern; Asia to Polynesia and Australia.

  • lecanopteris 0 facts

    Any of several bizarre ferns of the genus Lecanopteris having swollen hollow rhizomes...

  • snake polypody 0 facts

    Epiphytic ferns with long rhizomes; tropical America.

  • climbing bird's nest fern 0 facts

    Tropical Africa to Australasia and Polynesia.

  • flowering fern 0 facts

    Australasian fern with clusters of sporangia on stems of fertile fronds.

  • golden polypody 0 facts

    Tropical American fern with brown scaly rhizomes cultivated for its large deeply...

  • felt fern 0 facts

    East Asian fern having fronds shaped like tongues; sometimes placed in genus Cyclopho...

  • potato fern 0 facts

    Small epiphytic fern of South America with tuberous swellings along rhizomes.

  • ribbon fern 0 facts

    Epiphytic fern found in lowland forests of tropical America.

  • pecopteris 0 facts

    Carboniferous fossil fern characterized by a regular arrangement of the leaflets resembling...

  • fern seed 0 facts

    The asexual spore of ferns that resembles dust; once thought to be seeds and to make the...

  • filmy fern 0 facts

    Any fern of the genus Hymenophyllum growing in tropical humid regions and having translucent...

  • crape fern 0 facts

    New Zealand with pinnate fronds and a densely woolly stalks; sometimes included in genus...

  • king fern 0 facts

    Fern of rain forests of tropical Australia and New Zealand and South Africa.

  • curly grass 0 facts

    Rare small fern of northeastern North America having numerous slender spiraling fronds...

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.