Moss Family

Of family and Bryophyta.

A family of mosses.

This concept's ID is @1~58223


  • Bryaceae 1 facts

    A family of acrocarpous mosses.

  • Mniaceae 1 facts

    Family of erect mosses with club-shaped paraphyses and the hexagonal cells of the upper...

Also contains

  • Marchantiaceae 1 facts

    Liverworts with prostrate and usually dichotomously branched thalli.

  • Sphaerocarpaceae 1 facts

    Liverworts with bilaterally symmetrical gametophytes; sometimes placed in the order...

  • Anthocerotaceae 1 facts


  • Dicranaceae 1 facts

    Mosses having costate leaves and long-stalked capsules with cleft peristome.

  • Jungermanniaceae 0 facts

    Comprising the leafy members of the order Jungermanniales.