
Of array.

An ordered array of the components of an emission or wave.

This concept's ID is @1~57594

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Also contains

  • spectrum line 1 facts

    An isolated component of a spectrum formed by radiation at a uniform frequency.

  • atomic spectrum 1 facts

    (physics) a spectrum of radiation caused by electron transitions within an atom...

  • sound spectrum 1 facts

    The distribution of energy as a function of frequency for a particular sound sou...

  • emission spectrum 0 facts

    Spectrum of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a self-luminous source.

  • line spectrum 0 facts

    A spectrum in which energy is concentrated at particular wavelengths; produced by...

  • mass spectrum 0 facts

    A distribution of ions as shown by a mass spectrograph or a mass spectrometer.

  • absorption spectrum 0 facts

    The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation that has passed through a medium that...

  • action spectrum 0 facts

    The efficiency with which electromagnetic radiation produces a photochemical reaction...