
Of teacher-student relation and enrollee.   May also be referred to as educatee and student.

A learner who is enrolled in an educational institution.

This concept's ID is @1~56683

Great Britain

  • sixth-former 0 facts

    A student in the sixth form.

  • Wykehamist 0 facts

    A student enrolled in (or graduated from) Winchester College.

Also contains

  • collegian 3 facts

    A student (or former student) at a college or university.

  • seminarian 2 facts

    A student at a seminary (especially a Roman Catholic seminary).

  • scholar 2 facts

    A student who holds a scholarship.

  • Ivy Leaguer 0 facts

    A student or graduate at an Ivy League school.

  • major 0 facts

    A university student who is studying a particular field as the principal subject; "she is...

  • overachiever 0 facts

    A student who attains higher standards than the IQ indicated.

  • medico 0 facts

    A student in medical school.

  • passer 0 facts

    A student who passes an examination.

  • crammer 0 facts

    A student who crams.

  • Etonian 0 facts

    A student enrolled in (or graduated from) Eton College.

  • skipper 0 facts

    A student who fails to attend classes.

  • underperformer 0 facts

    A student who does not perform as well as expected or as well as the IQ indicate...

  • auditor 0 facts

    A student who attends a course but does not take it for credit.

  • catechumen 0 facts

    A new convert being taught the principles of Christianity by a catechist.

  • withdrawer 0 facts

    A student who withdraws from the educational institution in which he or she was enro...

  • nonreader 0 facts

    A student who is very slow in learning to read.

  • law student 0 facts

    A student in law school.

  • art student 0 facts

    Someone studying to be an artist.

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