
Of person.   May also be referred to as simple.

A person lacking intelligence or common sense.

This concept's ID is @1~56305


  • nebbish 0 facts

    (Yiddish) a timid unfortunate simpleton.

  • schlemiel 0 facts

    (Yiddish) a dolt who is a habitual bungler.

  • schlep 0 facts

    (Yiddish) an awkward and stupid person.

  • schnook 0 facts

    (Yiddish) a gullible simpleton more to be pitied than despised; "don't be such an apologetic...

Also contains

  • sap 9 facts

    A person who lacks good judgment.

  • dullard 3 facts

    A person who is not very bright; "The economy, stupid!".

  • changeling 1 facts

    A person of subnormal intelligence.

  • space cadet 0 facts

    Someone who seems unable to respond appropriately to reality (as if under the influence...

  • subnormal 0 facts

    A person of less than normal intelligence.

  • airhead 0 facts

    A flighty scatterbrained simpleton; "she's a total airhead"; "every airhead on a big salary...

  • twit 0 facts

    Someone who is regarded as contemptible.

  • idiot savant 0 facts

    Person who is mentally retarded in general but who displays remarkable aptitude in...

  • poop 0 facts

    A stupid foolish person.

  • lame 0 facts

    Someone who doesn't understand what is going on.

  • sheep 0 facts

    A timid defenseless simpleton who is readily preyed upon.

  • scatterbrain 0 facts

    A flighty and disorganized person.

  • dimwit 0 facts

    A stupid incompetent person.

  • dingbat 0 facts

    A silly empty-headed person; "you would be a dingbat even to try it"; "yet here he was with...

  • booby 0 facts

    An ignorant or foolish person.