
Of worker.   May also be referred to as servant.

A person working in the service of another (especially in the household).

This concept's ID is @1~56192


  • domestic 5 facts

    A servant who is paid to perform menial tasks around the household.

  • manservant 3 facts

    A man servant.

  • body servant 1 facts

    A valet or personal maid.

  • cabin boy 0 facts

    A young man acting as a servant on a ship.

  • servant girl 0 facts

    A girl who is a servant.

  • scullion 0 facts

    A kitchen servant employed to do menial tasks (especially washing).

  • flunky 0 facts

    A male servant (especially a footman).

  • factotum 0 facts

    A servant employed to do a variety of jobs.

  • major-domo 0 facts

    The chief steward or butler of a great household.

  • familiar 0 facts

    A person attached to the household of a high official (as a pope or bishop) who renders...

  • menial 0 facts

    A domestic servant.