
Of sufferer, case, doctor-patient relation and nurse-patient relation.

A person who requires medical care; "the number of emergency patients has grown rapidly".

This concept's ID is @1~55209


  • arthritic 1 facts

    A person afflicted with arthritis; "the hands of an elderly arthritic".

  • analysand 0 facts

    A person undergoing psychoanalysis.

  • hypertensive 0 facts

    A person who has abnormally high blood pressure.

  • hypochondriac 0 facts

    A patient with imaginary symptoms and ailments.

  • outpatient 0 facts

    A patient who does not reside in the hospital where he is being treated.

  • hypotensive 0 facts

    A person who has abnormally low blood pressure.

  • index case 0 facts

    The earliest documented case of a disease that is included in an epidemiological stu...

  • inmate 0 facts

    A patient who is residing in the hospital where he is being treated.

  • alexic 0 facts

    A person with alexia.

  • vaccinee 0 facts

    A patient who has been vaccinated.