
Of person.

A person you know well and regard with affection and trust; "he was my best friend at the university".

This concept's ID is @1~53425


  • associate 5 facts

    A friend who is frequently in the company of another; "drinking companions"; "comrades...

  • confidant 2 facts

    Someone to whom private matters are confided.

  • chum 1 facts

    A close friend who accompanies his buddies in their activities.

  • best friend 0 facts

    The one friend who is closest to you.

  • girlfriend 0 facts

    Any female friend; "Mary and her girlfriend organized the party".

  • flatmate 0 facts

    An associate who shares an apartment with you.

  • roommate 0 facts

    An associate who shares a room with you.

  • brother 0 facts

    Used as a term of address for those male persons engaged in the same movement; "Greetings,...

  • alter ego 0 facts

    A very close and trusted friend who seems almost a part of yourself.

  • mate 0 facts

    Informal term for a friend of the same sex.

  • amigo 0 facts

    A friend or comrade.

  • light 0 facts

    A person regarded very fondly; "the light of my life".

  • schoolfriend 0 facts

    A friend who attends the same school.

More Connections

  • friendship 5 facts

    The state of being friends (or friendly).