
Of hand.   May also be referred to as farm worker, field hand and fieldhand.

A hired hand on a farm.

This concept's ID is @1~53219


  • farmerette 1 facts

    A woman working on a farm.

  • harvester 1 facts

    Someone who helps to gather the harvest.

  • picker 0 facts

    Someone who gathers crops or fruits etc.

  • waterer 0 facts

    Someone who waters plants or crops.

  • plowman 0 facts

    A man who plows.

  • gleaner 0 facts

    Someone who picks up grain left in the field by the harvesters.

  • weeder 0 facts

    A farmhand hired to remove weeds.

  • dairymaid 0 facts

    A woman who works in a dairy.

  • dairyman 0 facts

    A man who works in a dairy.