
Of unpleasant person.   May also be referred to as egotist and swellhead.

A conceited and self-centered person.

This concept's ID is @1~53028


  • exhibitionist 4 facts

    Someone who deliberately behaves in such a way as to attract attention.

  • megalomaniac 0 facts

    A pathological egotist.

  • egomaniac 0 facts

    An abnormally egotistical person.

  • bragger 0 facts

    A very boastful and talkative person.

  • popinjay 0 facts

    A vain and talkative person (chatters like a parrot).

  • miles gloriosus 0 facts

    A braggart soldier (a stock figure in comedy).

  • know-it-all 0 facts

    Someone who thinks he knows everything and refuses to accept advice or information from...

More Connections

  • egoism 2 facts

    Concern for your own interests and welfare.

  • egotism 2 facts

    An exaggerated opinion of your own importance.

  • egotism 1 facts

    An inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others.