
Of illusionist.

Someone who claims to discover hidden knowledge with the aid of supernatural powers.

This concept's ID is @1~52883


  • oracle 3 facts

    An authoritative person who divines the future.

  • lithomancer 1 facts

    One who practices lithomancy.

  • hydromancer 1 facts

    One who practices hydromancy.

  • dowser 1 facts

    Someone who uses a divining rod to find underground water.

  • necromancer 1 facts

    One who practices divination by conjuring up the dead.

  • pyromancer 1 facts

    One who practices pyromancy.

  • oneiromancer 1 facts

    Someone who divines through the interpretation of dreams.

  • onomancer 1 facts

    One who practices onomancy.

  • geomancer 1 facts

    One who practices geomancy.