
Of follower.   May also be referred to as adherent.

Someone who believes and helps to spread the doctrine of another.

This concept's ID is @1~52862


  • Tao 4 facts

    An adherent of any branch of Taoism.

  • absolutist 3 facts

    One who advocates absolutism.

  • Zen Buddhist 2 facts

    An adherent of the doctrines of Zen Buddhism.

  • Mahayanist 2 facts

    An adherent of Mahayana Buddhism.

  • Tantrist 2 facts

    An adherent of Tantrism.

  • Jainist 2 facts

    A believer in Jainism.

  • Mahdist 1 facts

    An adherent of Mahdism.

  • Shintoist 1 facts

    A believer in Shintoism.

  • Satanist 1 facts

    An adherent of Satan or Satanism.

  • animist 1 facts

    One who accepts the doctrine of animism.

  • dualist 1 facts

    An adherent of dualism.

  • Apostle 1 facts

    (New Testament) one of the original 12 disciples chosen by Christ to preach his gospel.

  • Aristotelian 1 facts

    A follower of Aristotle or an adherent of Aristotelianism.

  • Hinayanist 1 facts

    An adherent of Hinayana Buddhism.

  • Lamaist 1 facts

    (Buddhism) an adherent of Lamaism.

  • Donatist 1 facts

    An adherent of Donatism.

  • Mithraist 1 facts

    Adherent of Mithraism.

  • amoralist 1 facts

    Someone who adheres to the doctrine that ordinary moral distinctions are invalid.

  • Hussite 0 facts

    An adherent of the religious reforms of John Huss.

  • Ismaili 0 facts

    An adherent of Ismailism; a member of the Ismaili branch of Shiism.

  • Monophysite 0 facts

    An adherent of Monophysitism.

  • Socinian 0 facts

    An adherent of the teachings of Socinus; a Christian who rejects the divinity of Christ...

  • Sikh 0 facts

    An adherent of Sikhism.

  • Druze 0 facts

    An adherent of an esoteric monotheistic religious sect living in the relative security of...

  • antinomian 0 facts

    A follower of the doctrine of antinomianism.

  • Manichaean 0 facts

    An adherent of Manichaeism.

  • Neoplatonist 0 facts

    An adherent of Neoplatonism.

  • clericalist 0 facts

    One who advocates clericalism.

  • Rastafarian 0 facts

    Follower of Rastafarianism.

  • Bahai 0 facts

    A teacher of or believer in Bahaism.

  • totalitarian 0 facts

    An adherent of totalitarian principles or totalitarian government.

  • Lutheran 0 facts

    Follower of Lutheranism.

  • Unitarian 0 facts

    Adherent of Unitarianism.

  • Arminian 0 facts

    Adherent of Arminianism.

  • Trinitarian 0 facts

    Adherent of Trinitarianism.

  • votary 0 facts

    A devoted (almost religiously so) adherent of a cause or person or activity; "the cultured...

  • Zoroastrian 0 facts

    Follower of Zoroaster and Zoroastrianism.

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