
Of person.   May also be referred to as advocate, advocator and proponent.

A person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea.

This concept's ID is @1~51431


  • supporter 24 facts

    A person who backs a politician or a team etc.; "all their supporters came out for the...

  • voice 6 facts

    An advocate who represents someone else's policy or purpose; "the meeting was attended by...

  • nationalist 3 facts

    An advocate of national independence of or a strong national government.

  • partisan 3 facts

    A fervent and even militant proponent of something.

  • ideologist 2 facts

    An advocate of some ideology.

  • separatist 2 facts

    An advocate of secession or separation from a larger group (such as an established church...

  • neutralist 2 facts

    An advocate of neutrality in international affairs.

  • suffragist 2 facts

    An advocate of the extension of voting rights (especially to women).

  • libertarian 2 facts

    An advocate of libertarianism.

  • constitutionalist 2 facts

    An advocate of constitutional government.

  • humanist 2 facts

    An advocate of the principles of humanism; someone concerned with the interests and welfare...

  • supremacist 2 facts

    A person who advocates the supremacy of some particular group or race over all othe...

  • irredentist 2 facts

    An advocate of irredentism.

  • isolationist 1 facts

    An advocate of isolationism in international affairs.

  • protectionist 1 facts

    An advocate of protectionism.

  • Jansenist 1 facts

    An advocate of Jansenism.

  • secularist 1 facts

    An advocate of secularism; someone who believes that religion should be excluded from...

  • Platonist 1 facts

    An advocate of Platonism.

  • ritualist 1 facts

    An advocate of strict observance of ritualistic forms.

  • neoclassicist 1 facts

    An advocate of neoclassicism.

  • apologist 1 facts

    A person who argues to defend or justify some policy or institution; "an apologist for...

  • federalist 1 facts

    An advocate of federalism.

  • Maoist 1 facts

    An advocate of Maoism.

  • partitionist 1 facts

    An advocate of partitioning a country.

  • Marxist 1 facts

    An advocate of Marxism.

  • internationalist 1 facts

    An advocate of internationalism.

  • teleologist 1 facts

    Advocate of teleology.

  • unilateralist 1 facts

    An advocate of unilateralism.

  • democrat 1 facts

    An advocate of democratic principles.

  • secessionist 1 facts

    An advocate of secessionism.

  • nullifier 0 facts

    An advocate of nullification; someone who believes that a state can resist federal la...

  • Thatcherite 0 facts

    An advocate of Thatcherism.

  • presenter 0 facts

    An advocate who presents a person (as for an award or a degree or an introduction etc...

  • Darwinian 0 facts

    An advocate of Darwinism.

  • ruralist 0 facts

    An advocate of rural living.

  • republican 0 facts

    An advocate of a republic (usually in opposition to a monarchy).

  • pro-lifer 0 facts

    An advocate of full legal protection for embryos and fetuses; someone opposed to legalized...

  • Gnostic 0 facts

    An advocate of Gnosticism.