
Of person and White race.   May also be referred to as White and White person.

A member of the Caucasoid race.

This concept's ID is @1~50606


  • paleface 0 facts

    (slang) a derogatory term for a white person (supposedly used by North American Indian...

  • white trash 0 facts

    (slang) an offensive term for White people who are impoverished.

  • whitey 0 facts

    (slang) offensive names for a White man.

Also contains

  • Semite 7 facts

    A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Middle East and northern Africa.

  • white man 2 facts

    A man who is White.

  • Circassian 1 facts

    A member of the Sunni Muslim people living in northwestern Caucasia.

  • white woman 0 facts

    A woman who is White.

  • WASP 0 facts

    A white person of Anglo-Saxon ancestry who belongs to a Protestant denomination.

  • Kassite 0 facts

    A member of an ancient people who ruled Babylonia between 1600 and 1200 BC.

  • Elamite 0 facts

    A member of an ancient warlike people living in Elam east of Babylonia as early as 3000...

  • Aryan 0 facts

    (according to Nazi doctrine) a Caucasian person of Nordic descent (and not a Jew).