
Of natural object.   May also be referred to as stone.

A lump or mass of hard consolidated mineral matter; "he threw a rock at me".

This concept's ID is @1~49891


  • clastic rock 1 facts

    (geology) a rock composed of broken pieces of older rocks.

  • sill 0 facts

    (geology) a flat (usually horizontal) mass of igneous rock between two layers of older sedimentary...

  • xenolith 0 facts

    (geology) a piece of rock of different origin from the igneous rock in which it is emb...

Also contains

  • concretion 7 facts

    A hard lump produced by the concretion of mineral salts; found in hollow organs or ducts...

  • boulder 4 facts

    A large smooth mass of rock detached from its place of origin.

  • outcrop 2 facts

    The part of a rock formation that appears above the surface of the surrounding land.

  • crystal 1 facts

    A rock formed by the solidification of a substance; has regularly repeating internal structure;...

  • chondrite 1 facts

    A rock of meteoric origin containing chondrules.

  • stepping stone 0 facts

    A stone in a marsh or shallow water that can be stepped on in crossing.

  • tor 0 facts

    A prominent rock or pile of rocks on a hill.

  • achondrite 0 facts

    A stony meteor lacking chondrules.

  • pebble 0 facts

    A small smooth rounded rock.

  • bedrock 0 facts

    Solid unweathered rock lying beneath surface deposits of soil.

  • wall rock 0 facts

    A rock immediately adjacent to a vein or fault.

  • petrifaction 0 facts

    A rock created by petrifaction; an organic object infiltrated with mineral matter and...

  • intrusion 0 facts

    Rock produced by an intrusive process.

  • whinstone 0 facts

    Any of various hard colored rocks (especially rocks consisting of chert or basalt).