
Of opening.

An opening into or through something.

This concept's ID is @1~49338


  • aperture 3 facts

    A natural opening in something.

  • perforation 0 facts

    A hole made in something; "a perforation of the eardrum".

  • bullet hole 0 facts

    A hole made by a bullet passing through it.

  • knothole 0 facts

    A hole in a board where a knot came out.

  • ozone hole 0 facts

    An area of the ozone layer (near the poles) that is seasonally depleted of ozone.

  • bolt-hole 0 facts

    A hole through which an animal may bolt when pursued into its burrow or den.

  • leak 0 facts

    An accidental hole that allows something (fluid or light etc.) to enter or escape; "one of...

  • rathole 0 facts

    A hole (as in the wall of a building) made by rats.

  • cranny 0 facts

    A small opening or crevice (especially in a rock face or wall).