
Of sea and water.

An arm of a sea or ocean partly enclosed by land; larger than a bay.

This concept's ID is @1~49292


  • Gulf of Mexico 5 facts

    An arm of the Atlantic to the south of the United States and to the east of Mexi...

  • Gulf of Guinea 2 facts

    A gulf off the southwest coast of Africa.

  • Gulf of Saint Lawrence 0 facts

    An arm of the northwest Atlantic Ocean off the southeastern coast of Can...


  • Gulf of Bothnia 1 facts

    A northern arm of the Baltic Sea; between Sweden and Finland.

  • Gulf of Finland 0 facts

    An eastern arm of the Baltic Sea; between Finland and Estonia.

  • Gulf of Riga 0 facts

    An inlet of the Baltic Sea between Latvia and Estonia.


Red Sea

  • Gulf of Aqaba 0 facts

    A northeastern arm of the Red Sea; between the Sinai Peninsula (Egypt) and Saudi ...

  • Gulf of Suez 0 facts

    A northwestern arm of the Red Sea linked to the Mediterranean by the Suez Canal.


  • Gulf of Antalya 0 facts

    A gulf of the Mediterranean Sea in southwestern Turkey.

  • Gulf of Sidra 0 facts

    Wide inlet of the Mediterranean Sea on the north coast of Libya.

Arabian Sea

  • Persian Gulf 1 facts

    A shallow arm of the Arabian Sea between Iran and the Arabian peninsula; the Persian...

  • Gulf of Oman 0 facts

    An arm of the Arabian Sea connecting it with the Persian Gulf.

Also contains

  • Gulf of Alaska 0 facts

    A gulf of the Pacific Ocean between the Alaska Peninsula and the Alexander Archi...

  • Gulf of Ob 0 facts

    An inlet of the Kara Sea in western Siberia.

  • Gulf of Carpentaria 0 facts

    A wide shallow inlet of the Arafura Sea in northern Australia.

  • Gulf of Martaban 0 facts

    An arm of the Andaman Sea off southern Myanmar.

  • Gulf of Aden 0 facts

    Arm of the Indian Ocean at the entrance to the Red Sea.

  • Gulf of Corinth 0 facts

    Inlet of the Ionian Sea between central Greece and the Peloponnesus.

  • Gulf of Thailand 0 facts

    An arm of the South China Sea between Indochina and the Malay Peninsula.

  • Gulf of Venice 0 facts

    An arm of the Adriatic Sea.